Saturday, September 5, 2009

FIsh Eye, A Whale Of A Wine.

Fish Eye. Never heard of this name in wine before today. Why? Well, in 2006, Fisheye Wines made this very interesting Merlot.

We purchased this bottle at Edina Liquors in Edina, MN. It was early in the morning, so as to give them the impression that we were alcoholics looking to get our drink on. It didn't hurt that we were laughing at what will be a long standing joke about the wife's family. She and I are doing this review, because she feels that I have "issues" with being mean spirited. HA... As if.

It was $5.99 a bottle, which to me is pretty reasonable considering I had no idea what we were buying or if it was any good. I've paid more for a bad movie rental, so I didn't see it as a bad thing being cheap.

Back to the wine.

I'm not a fan of wine with a screw top cap. Why? Because there is something old world about having to rummage through drawers to find the bottle opener that you misplaced from the last time you opened up a bottle. Nothing like swearing and cussing to get your heart racing just before you realize that you're actually looking at the thing in the drawer, and had simply forgotten what it was used for.

The wife asked me to do my manly duty to open it because it apparently was put on with some kind of pneumatic tire wrench. Actually the cap popped off just fine for me, the wife is lazy.

From the second the seal was broken, a wonderful aroma emerged. When I say wonderful, I mean something akin to grapes meets something highly flammable. The bouquet on this particular wine was actually, and is actually pretty good. Given that I can still smell the lingering bouquet of the raspberry bismarck I ate about an hour ago trapped in my moustache.

The wife poured a sample which is about 2 ounces in the bottom of the wine glass. I edited photos while I allowed it to breathe. Now, not all wines need to breathe. This one, I would give at least a couple minutes, because the alcohol content on it, is pretty stout. 13.8 percent alcohol to me seems a bit high. Considering right now that my face is on fire as I write this, and am breaking a sweat after drinking it.

This Merlot, contains sulfites. Not everyone gets along with sulfites. I think I do, but to be honest I have no idea what sulfites are, and probably should look it up on Wikipedia.

Okay after looking up what Sulfites are on Wikipedia, I think I might be having some kind of reaction. I'll let you know if I break out into hives.

Just kidding. All wines, even organic wines have sulfites in them, as they are used to arrest fermentation at different points in the wine making process. If the wine you're drinking has 10 parts per million sulfite content, it gets a notification on the label.

Again, back to the wine.

This wine had a very complex flavor, as it hits your tongue, you can taste more than grapes in it. It says on the label it has plums and other fruits in it. Which could mean anything. They're not giving away any secrets with this label.

The flavor is just the start as even though it's a very heady Merlot, the taste is very spritely. Once you swallow it, you get the warm about 5 minutes after drinking. The warm is what I call that sensation that warms your chest and face. Some people who are alcoholics don't know what I'm talking about, but those of us who are only occasional drinkers do. It's a very pleasant wine, with a very nice flavor. One thing to consider, is not to let it languish on your tongue too long.

The label said it would impair your judgement and your ability to operate a motor vehicle. They would be absolutely right. As it is, after one half glass of the stuff, I'm having a hell of a time typing this review. My wife seems unfazed, as she sits and reads her book in boredom.

SCALE: 2.5 out of 5. Flavor was good, but lacked something. I think if this wine were allowed to age a little longer, it might have some of the rough edges taken off of it. Then again we might be drinking it past its prime, as there was a very sour taste to it, more so than most Merlots I've had. For the money, I give it a 4.0 out of 5. Great product for the cheap price. Presentation, I give it a 1.5 out f 5. I hate that particular font, and the choice of colors for the label is straight out of 1986.

Kudos to Fisheye winery for a cheap wine that isn't half bad.